Thursday, September 5, 2013


Today is one of those days I just feel antsy and I am sitting here at work just wanting to go home.

No, I am not having a bad day, or have an extreme amount of work.  In fact, my boss is out of town for a few days so this should really feel like vacation.

I don't know what it is but at this moment I feel like screaming.

I want to do something to my house.  I have been living there for a year and a half and I feel like I have not accomplished much.  Everything requires money or time.  For the most part, I think time is probably my worst enemy. 

I hate to admit it but our apartment looked nicer and more complete because we didn't have as much space and we didn't have 3 dogs.  We clean up more because of all the dirt the dogs bring in.  As much as I want to be patient and get more energy to clean up more on a daily basis, I just cant.  I'm always too tired.  Not to mention the fact that I have to drive a lot every day because we decided that 25 minutes away from work was not such a big deal. 

Then there's the money issue.  I am so broke.  This summer was brutal when it came to money.  I feel like we splurged way too much.  And yet, we were always tight.  I can't even plan a weekend getaway.  Hell I can't even go out on a date.  Last time we went, we used the help of a gift certificate he got from work, otherwise it wouldn't have happened.  Then we fell asleep, because AGAIN, we are so tired. 

I wonder.. is this it?  Is this the beginning of the fucking end already?  Are we that old??  Seems like it sometimes.  I am not complaining about my life, I have a nice life, but right now, I just don't feel like I have accomplished much.  I wish at least my house looked better.

*End rant for now.

1 comment:

  1. Fkn crazy I wrote this 10 years ago. I had no idea but this was my version of telling the universe I want more. Looking back at this post, I have grown so much. I hardly recognize the peson I was back then. I have good memories though, but I am happy now and plan to keep growing mentally and spritually.
